Tan Xuguang: Weichai International Auto Part Industrial Park Construction Speeds up Again!


  At 8 am on December 1, the foundation laying and agreement signing ceremony for the second batch of projects in Weichai International Auto Part Industrial Park was held in the high-tech zone of Weifang City, and 15 companies from home and abroad signed contracts to enter the park.

  This is another signing ceremony after the fisrt one on July 13 this year. With the strong support of Weifang City, the current construction in the Park is in full swing. Many factories have been completed, and many supporting buildings are about to be delivered, fully demonstrating "Weichai Speed" and "Weichai Efficiency".

  The construction of the Park is an important support for Weichai to build a trillion-level international strong enterprise, and it is also a major measure for Weifang to build an "international power city". Tan Xuguang said: "We need to speed up the construction to ensure that it will be put into production before the end of next year, and make new and greater contributions to the development of Weifang."