"Think about It, Do It and Make It", Says Tan Xuguang


  At 9:00 a.m. on April 2, 2020, Tan Xuguang hosted a video mobilization meeting titled as "Rally for Hundred Billion Revenue in the Second Quarter" of Shandong Heavy Industry Group and Weichai Power in Jinan. He addressed to all management and employees to seize the opportunity of rapid development in the post-epidemic stage, heading from full production to ultra production in the second quarter and sprinting for the goal of over one hundred billion earning. 

  Tan Xuguang stressed that it is more important to look for and grab the opportunities in the crisis than ever. All marketing personnel should act like the wolves and tigers in the market to go forward, to reach for upper end and to win. There will be a marketing battle for position holding and self transcending in the second quarter, in which we must win with performance beyond expectation. 

  Tan Xuguang commanded that management at all levels should take the lead to provide "personal and caring" family-like support in the market and production line during the period of high-capacity production, and do a good job in all aspects of supporting.